Britney Spears dyed her own hair black is she copying Angelina

Publish date: 2024-05-31

I was right that Britney dyed her own hair black. I said at the time “Britney probably popped into the local CVS to make her own decision to dye her hair this jet black color.” This weeks Us Weekly details Britney’s rash decision to go black:

After the media slammed Spears’ June 15 Dateline NBC interview (The NY Post reported that fans called her hair a “rat’s nest”), the actress took action. “She felt terrible,” says a source. “She pulled out her extensions and bought a bottle of hair dye” (calling her doctor first to ask if it was safe for her unborn child). “It’s vegetable dye and will wash right out,” says Spears’ rep. Still not content, Spears chopped her hair into a bob. The verdict? “Kevin loves it,” says a source. But editors at Harper’s Bazaar were “horrified,” says another source, when the darker Spears arrived for a June 23 photo shoot. (Bazaar had no comment.) The fix: blonde extensions, a source says, from the line HairDo by Ken Paves and Jessica Simpson!

Inset pictures in the article say that “Spears called Oscar Blandi Salon’s colorist, Christopher Cillione, on June 29, but he was fully booked,” and that Spears “plans to go back to her natural color, light brown, after she has the baby.”

There are several things I don’t believe about this article. The first is that Britney called her doctor to ask if it was ok. Who does that? She is said to be overly concerned after all the problems with SP, and this could be true, but I doubt it. The second is that she used some kind of temporary “vegetable dye” color as is reported by her publicist. If that was true, she would have gone back to blonde for the Bazaar photo shoot. It’s also not true that she had blonde extensions added for the Bazaar shoot, because we have the pictures and her hair is completely black.

In Touch asks if Britney’s trying to copy Angelina with her new hair color:

Brit, who had a crush on Brad Pitt when she was younger, has dyed her hair dark brown! “This is a decision to be a clone of Angelina, who wears her motherhood with dignity,” says image consultant Michael Sands. “Britney wants to be respected by her public like Angelina is.”

(From the In Touch print edition)

Britney’s hair does look better black and in a bob, but you can tell it’s a DIY job and not professionally done. It’s one blah color and lacks the slight variations and highlights a stylist could add that would make it look more natural. She needs to get it fixed in a month or so and add some subtle darker highlights.

Check out celebrity hairstyle how-tos at Beauty Riot.
