Celebrities you shouldnt play poker with unless you want to lose

Publish date: 2024-05-09

There is a reason why you should not play with these guys – they will take your money. You only should do this if you are a fan, that it worth that, otherwise the evening will be ruined.

You can meet them on the next poker event if you are there, however, if you are not lucky enough for this you can meet them at an online casino like casino-au.com/free-slot-games.

The 70s

Gabe Kaplan – you have seen him in sitcoms in late 70s and you never thought this nice guy can turn into a killer taking the bank. He won more than million dollars during tournaments among professionals and now he remains to be the best poker player among celebrities.

James Woods – you saw him acting in numerous films on the first roles and he used be in the first line of Hollywood actors. Now he is only concerned about poker and he became really good at it. He shows stable good performance on tournaments and although he continues  to call himself “enthusiast”, he is still one of the best players among celebrities.

Both Actors And Poker Players - Celebrities You Surely Know 1

Jennifer Tilly – she is the only female in this list, however, she remains to be a good player that took golden bracelet for taking a win in World Series of Poker Ladies No-Limit Hold’em event in 2005. She is still good, although she took a break recently. Now she is determined to take golden bracelet again.

Jason Alexander started his poker career in early 90s. He was on of the first actors to take part in public poker events and now he remains to stay in the middle of the list – although he has numerous fascinating stories about games on tournaments.

Kevin Pollak is well-known for his roles in movies, but you should also know about him that he is taking participation in tournaments since 2012 and he used to show excellent performance during his benefice. Now he is playing on low stakes and prefers to avoid betting more than 10000$.

Both Actors And Poker Players - Celebrities You Surely Know 2

Not the end of the list

Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Tobey Maguire are also known for their passion to poker. It seems like Ben Affleck is some kind of addicted to gambling, however, those are just rumours. There is an interesting fact about Tobey Maguire – it is known that he never accepts invitation to game without his shuffle machine he bought for 17 000 $. He prefers to play on high stakes, however, it is recognised that he is bad at tipping.  
