Cristiana Capotondi

Publish date: 2024-04-12
67th Annual Venice Film Festival - "La Passione" ("The Passion") Premiere - Arrivals

Capotondi in 2010, photo by

Place of Birth: Rome, Italy

Date of Birth: 13 September, 1980

Ethnicity: Italian, some Sephardi Jewish

Cristiana Capotondi is an Italian actress. Her mother is Rossella Citone.

Cristiana’s maternal grandfather was Angelo Citone/Citoni (the son of Settimio Citone/Citoni and Bianca Perugia). Angelo was Jewish. Bianca was the daughter of Angelo Perugia and Diamante Piattelli.

Cristiana’s maternal grandmother was Catholic.

Cristiana was raised celebrating both Catholic and Jewish holidays.


Genealogy of Cristiana’s maternal grandfather, Angelo Citone/Citoni (focusing on his mother’s side) –
