Fortnite x Gotham Knights collab may arrive with Batgirl, Red Hood, and more skins

Publish date: 2024-05-18

With DC characters and villains consistently featured in Fortnite over the years, it was no surprise that Black Adam would be made into an outfit. However, this was likely to happen since actor Dyawne "The Rock" Johnson hinted at the possibility months ago. Furthermore, since he plays The Foundation in-game, there was never really a doubt.

With DCU expanding its cast of characters in the metaverse, one has to wonder who else will make the cut. Well, as it turns out, aside from Black Adam releasing in cinemas in a few days, the latest action RPG title from WB Games, Gotham Knights, is set to debut as well. Since the characters are part of DCU, could they be coming to the game?

The Fortnite x Gotham Knights collaboration possibility explored

To say that characters from Gotham Knights 'may' come to Fortnite would be an understatement. With others such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman already on the roster, it's a question of how and when rather than if and how.

Although there has been some disconcerting news regarding the upcoming game running only on 30fps on consoles, that shouldn't affect a potential crossover. Since cosmetics play no part in the system requirements in Fortnite, this is nothing to worry about.

That said, there is no confirmation from Epic Games that a collaboration is taking place. Nevertheless, since the developers sometimes reveal things at the last moment, there's no telling what's possible. Considering that the developers revealed the Black Adam collaboration before leakers could, it is a testament to this statement.

Furthermore, with the update v22.20 coming up soon, there are bound to be new cosmetics in the files. Although Fortnitemares 2022 will take points in terms of collaborations and crossovers, there's always room for more.

All said and done, while there is a possibility of a collaboration, it's best to wait until leakers find evidence of the same. With the update due on Tuesday, October 18, those hoping to see leaks about Gotham Knights' characters in-game won't have to wait too long for information.

Which characters from Gotham Knight could players expect to see in Fortnite?

Considering that the developers usually pick the protagonist of video games to add to the metaverse, only the four playable characters will likely make the cut. That said, Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood are the only options.

With Batman having several versions of himself in-game, having his protégés in the game would make a lot of sense. Batgirl would also make a fine addition to the metaverse. Fortnite is huge on skins, so the outfits will likely feature additional cosmetic items.

On that note, if the collaboration does come through, Explosive Batarangs and Grapnel Guns may also be unvaulted for a brief duration. All said and done, as stated, this is all based on speculation.

Unless Epic Games or leakers make an official statement, this should all be taken with a pinch of salt and optimism. For the time being, players will have to be happy and content with 24 other DCU characters available in-game.

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