Giulia Introduces Her New Sound

Publish date: 2024-05-13

Giulia, the Italian fashion icon turned singer-songwriter, returns with her new single ‘Trippin’ Out’, a gutsy and fearless track about freedom and having a free spirit. The track welcomes in a whole era for this young singer, and shows how much she has evolved as an artist since her Country Music Days.

Starting with a simple synth hook, the song is quickly taken up a notch with the inclusion of a weighty drum beat and Giulia’s characteristically powerful vocals. The song continues to build until it reaches its infectiously catchy chorus. It is a track that gives Giulia’s vocals the chance to shine, and yet she never overpowers the instrumentation. She glides above the track bringing the song together and giving it a real focal point.

Trippin’ Out is a melting pot of influences and musical genres that have been welded together in a truly expert way. The daughter of a professional Polo player and an Italian fashion mogul, much of Giulia’s childhood and adolescence was spent travelling around the world. The musical hybridity in her work can be attributed to the music and culture that she experienced in those early years.

Before she made the decision to become a full time musician Giulia was involved in the fashion industry, and yet she always knew that music was her real dream. “I took the ultimate decision of entering this career as my first choice in life; so with a lot of support from my family and friends, I started moving around looking for opportunities, making demos and trying to meet and network with people to work with and progress my path in music,” Giulia says when asked about her musical journey.

With Trippin’ Out being set to be released imminently and more music already on the pipeline, stay tuned by following Giulia on her socials here: twitter, facebook, instagram, and listen to the track below!

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