How tall is Elizabeth Debicki

Publish date: 2024-05-29
Australian actress best known for appearing in films The Man from U.N.C.L.E, The Great Gatsby and Everest. On her Showcast talent profile she was described: "Height: 183cm, Hair Colour: Blonde, Eye Colour: Blue", although he once said in a video clip that she was "Six foot one and a half" and in Wmagazine "I'm six-foot-two". My younger sister is also very tall and my little brother, who is just 17, is 6ft 6in, so we're the Amazonian Family. As a teenager I wasn't comfortable with being taller than other people, and I'm sure I stooped a lot. ...Granted, it's not easy to be a super-tall woman in Hollywood. But there are times when it works in my favour. In The Night Manager, for example, both of my co-stars, Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston, are also well over 6ft and it was lovely to look a co-star in the eye and not have them standing on an apple box.
- The Daily Mail, 2016
How tall is Elizabeth Debicki
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