How to get Fungal Spores in Genshin Impact

Publish date: 2024-04-22

Genshin Impact has a tremendous amount of content that can be overwhelming for some players. Whether it's finding weapons, unlocking new characters, upgrading items, or increasing the ascension level of characters, there’s a lot for players to sink their teeth into.

Tighnari is one of the newest characters to be released in Genshin Impact. He is a bow-wielding main DPS character, and many players have been looking to obtain him. Fungal Spores are one of the ascension materials for him, making them a highly coveted item.

There are two ways to get Fungal Spores in Genshin Impact

There are two methods of obtaining Fungal Spores in Genshin Impact. Players can either buy them in the shop or collect them from defeated Fungi enemies. Though buying them seems like a much simpler option, the number of units that players can purchase is limited.

Fungal Spores can be bought on the Stardust Exchange. Players can purchase three Fungal Spores for five Masterless Stardust. This action can only be performed once a month, making it difficult to acquire the amount that you need to upgrade Tighnari.

Players can also acquire Fungal Spores by defeating Fungi enemies. This method could potentially provide an infinite amount of Fungal Spores, making it the best option.

Fungi enemies can only be found in the Sumeru region. This means that players will have to first reach Adventure Rank 35 and finish Chapter 2 before being able to use this method.

Finding and defeating Fungi enemies

Once in the Sumeru region, players can find Fungi enemies in a few specific areas. They are as follows:

Many enemies drop Fungal Spores, all of which are Fungi-type enemies. Here is a list of enemies that can drop the ascension material:

The latest variety of Fungi, introduced in Sumeru 3.0 (Image via HoYoverse)

These enemies all drop Fungal Spores as well as other materials. Fighting higher-level versions of these enemies will increase the drop rate of all materials.

Players are recommended to find a small area with as many of these enemies clumped together as possible. This can be done to save time and resources when trying to farm for Fungal Spores.

The video linked above, created by DÁR Gaming, displays one of the best places in Genshin Impact to find many Fungi enemies in a small area and how to take them down. This area is called the Underground Waterway in the Sumeru region.

It is important to remember that these enemies often float but are generally not very difficult to deal with. Players can use a character with area-of-effect abilities and pull the Fungi enemies together to defeat many at once. Kaedehara is a great choice for players who want to take down many opponents at once.

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