How to get Tide armor trim in Minecraft

Publish date: 2024-05-26

It is that time of year when Minecraft players have a bunch of new features to try in the game, as a major update has just been released. The Minecraft 1.20 update was released on time and has retained all the features showcased during the Minecraft Live 2022 event, as well as additional ones announced later down the road.

One of the standout features of this big content update was armor trimming. It is one of the biggest cosmetic mechanics ever released, and allowings players to customize the appearance of their armor by applying various patterns.

Everything to know about Tide armor trim in Minecraft

Upon applying an armor trim template to a piece of gear, a design pattern is added to the item. This feature allows players to create a unique look that makes them stand out on multiplayer servers.

This addition is significant because it solves the problem of gamers struggling to differentiate between each other on servers, even if they have unique skins, as their armor completely covers them.

What are armor trim templates in Minecraft?

All armor trim templates in the game (Image via Mojang)

To incorporate this new armor trimming feature, a new item called the armor trim smithing template has been added.

These templates are uncraftable, making them a hard to obtain item. However, once the player has acquired one, they can duplicate it as many times as they want using seven diamonds and a specific block. The block required for the duplication depends on the armor trim being duplicated.

Where to find the Tide armor trim

An ocean monument (Image via Mojang)

Unlike all the other armor trims, the Tide armor cannot be obtained by looting the chests in a specific structure. Instead, players will have to defeat a powerful mob to acquire it. This adds an element of challenge and combat to obtain the template.

An elder guardian (Image via Mojang)

Though chances are slim, players can obtain the Tide armor trim by slaying an elder guardian. It is one of the strongest underwater mobs, and three of them are spawned in each ocean monument.

To locate an ocean monument, players can utilize ocean explorer maps. This item can be obtained directly from the loot chests of shipwrecks and underwater ruins. Another, more reliable source is apprentice-level cartographers.

How to use armor trims

Applying tide armor trim to a diamond chestplate (Image via Mojang)

To apply a trim to armor items, players need to place the template on a smithing table along with the armor item itself and an ore/mineral, as shown. The main color of the mineral used determines the color of the trim that will be applied. For example, the application will turn out purple if the item used was an amethyst crystal.

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