How to play Duotrigordle? Features, best answers, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Those who have been busy with Wordle will feel at home when they play Duotrigordle, one of the most complex spinoffs to have been released. Just like the pronunciation of its name, the game is much more complex than Wordle, and it's quickly catching the eye of many.

Duotrigordle works similarly to Wordle and shares several features with the infamous word game. After all, it's a spinoff that allows players to solve 32 Wordles at once. Solving the game daily can be a real challenge, and it's perfect for those who want something different.

Before they're solved, there's no direct way of knowing the result or all 32 of them. The spirit of the game for players is to solve by themselves, but it can get complex. After all, solving one and 32 at a given time are two different things, and players can employ certain tips and tricks to get the solution quicker.

Duotrigordle comes with its own set of rules that makes it paramount for players to think different

The core gameplay offered by Duotrigordle is no different than what Wordle does. It's a guessing game, and the basic premise is the same - you must guess the words correctly, using different hints. Before going deeper into the game, it's important to know its basic rules.

How to play Duotrigordle?

The game can be played from the official website by clicking here. Once you load up the website, there will be four rectangular blocks, each with an equal set of words. You can start with any of them, and here are some tips and tricks that will make your task easier.

Ultimately, Duotrigordle will be a guessing game, and there's no easy step for someone to get all the answers done. It's also meant for advanced users, for whom Wordle has become a simple pastime.

The latest spinoff might not be for you if you're still a novice at the original. However, it's never a negative thing to try something more complex, and maybe you'll like it. Plenty of spinoffs are available based on Wordle, and this one is one for the hardcore ones.

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