How to solve all Merlin Trials in the Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts Legacy

Publish date: 2024-04-15

Hogwarts Legacy features a variety of side content for you to immerse yourself in. The title also has puzzle-solving in the form of Merlin Trials. You can partake in these trials upon meeting Nora Treadwell after the quest, The Girl from Uagadou.

These trials are scattered around the open world of Hogwarts Legacy and require Mallowsweet leaves for activation. The Forbidden Forest area comprises three Merlin Trials. Despite being a side activity, you must perform these trials to complete the challenges and earn more gear slots in the process.

What to do to solve all Merlin Trials in Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is brimming with content in the form of side missions, exploration activities, and more. You can also participate in Merlin Trials and solve some puzzles to complete them. There are 95 Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy that are all marked on the map once you complete the main mission, Trials of Merlin.

Initiating each trial requires one Mallowsweet leaf, which you can acquire from the Magic Neep store for 100 Galleons.

Alternatively, you can purchase the seeds for 200 Galleons and then use the Potting Table in the Room of Requirement to plant them. You can then pursue any trial of your choice by fast traveling to Floo Flame points in their vicinity.

Completing Merlin Trial 1

The first trial can be located near Jackdaw's Tomb Floo Flame (Image via WB Games)

The trial is situated near Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame point in Hogwarts Legacy. It requires you to ignite three pillars using Confringo in quick succession. Once you cast Confringo on a pillar, it begins to drop back into the ground, so you must be quick.

All three pillars must be lit before they disappear, so it is best to stay as close to the trial starting point as possible and cast Confringo from that position.

You can use the following pointers to locate the pillars easily:

This pillar can be found to the left of the trial stone (Image via WB Games)

Another trick you can use is to cast Arresto Momentum (if you have unlocked it) on each pillar after casting Confringo. This will slow down its descent, giving you more time to light up the subsequent pillars.

Completing Merlin Trial 2

This trial is located near a Hippogriff Den in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB Games)

The second trial can be located near the Hippogriff Den in the Forbidden Forest. There is a slight chance of enemy encounters in this area, so be on your guard. Start the trial after defeating them. You must lead a swarm of butterflies to three stones in the area. Cast Revelio to highlight these stones.

Feel free to use the following pointers to find the three butterfly swarms:

Leading butterflies to these stones will solve this trial (Image via WB Games)

Completing Merlin Trial 3

This trial is located near the North Ford Bog region (Image via WB Games)

This is a much simpler trial that involves jumping from one pillar to another without falling off. If you touch the ground, you will have to make your way to the first pillar and try again.

There will be some enemies in the area, so make sure you defeat them first. You will notice some rocks on top of these pillars. Destroy them all by casting a basic spell.

Start by climbing onto the pillar to your left. As soon as you step foot on top of it, some vines with a green glow cover the spot. This is merely an indication that your climb was successful. Hop onto the next one in a similar fashion until you reach the end of the pillars on the left side. Turn to your right and continue your jumps until all the pillars are scaled.

Jump from pillar to pillar without falling or touching the ground (Image via WB Games)

This concludes the final trial in the Forbidden Forest region of Hogwarts Legacy. The end of every trial will be signified in the form of a cutscene wherein vines appear on the trial stone.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, with fairly positive reviews. The game features lore faithful spells, magical beasts, and thematic elements that add to the immersion factor of its wizarding world.

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