Kelsey Grammer has a vow renewal a year after he married his 4th wife: weird or sweet?

Publish date: 2024-04-15

I feel like Kelsey Grammer’s wife, Kayte Walsh, has been pregnant forever. I know we rarely see photos of her (or we ignore them) but I get the sense she should have given birth to those twins already. Anyway, Radar has a kind of humorous take on ol’ Kelsey’s latest stunt, a quick trip to Vegas to exchange vows with heavily pregnant Kayte, just a year after their first wedding. (Which happened like almost immediately after his divorce from Camille.) According to Radar’s insider, Kelsey is trying to prove something since he’s so demonstrative with Kayte. Remember how he just got his first tattoo for her? (I didn’t either, and I reported on it.) Here’s Radar’s report, which is worth repeating:

Just one month before their twins are due, the couple, who originally married in February 2011, renewed their vows at the Little Church of the West in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

“It’s completely bizarre that Kelsey and Kayte would renew their vows after only being married for a year. Kayte is very pregnant and it was Kelsey’s idea to go to Las Vegas to renew their vows,” a source close to the couple tells exclusively. “With this and the tattoo incident, it’s as if he is constantly trying to prove to the world and to Kayte how much he loves her and it’s sad to witness.

“Kelsey hasn’t been acting like himself for a long time now. This just isn’t the Kelsey Grammer that his family and friends know. Kayte has had a very rough pregnancy and she just wants it to be over with. The whole experience has been very isolating for her and she misses her family.”

The Frasier star and his British-born wife joked that they wanted to have silly wedding pictures to show their kids.

“Kayte’s the most wonderful person in the world,” Kelsey said. “I’m just so happy! We’re really excited. We’ve always wanted shot-gun wedding pictures so we can show the kids later on! We wanted to celebrate and re-dedicate [ourselves] to how much we love each other and to our growing family around the bend… I love that she had the courage to marry me twice!”

[From Radar Online]

Well Kayte is his 3/4 life crisis, and Kelsey is still deep in that crisis. She’s what he’s clinging to, to the point of rejecting Camille entirely. Kayte’s got to be his everything or he gave up his longterm marriage and family life (as atypical as it was with their immense wealth) for nothing. He’s justifying himself, and making this golddigger into a martyr. Once Kayte finally has those twins, are these two going to do a photospread in People? Is Kelsey going to be talking about how his life began with Kayte and their twins as if his three other wives and four other kids don’t matter as much? That’s what I’m reading into his comments now.

Also, I get the impression that couples do vow renewal ceremonies when they’ve gone through a rough patch, not when they’re madly in love.

Kelsey Grammer and wife Kayte Walsh

Kelsey Grammer and wife Kayte Walsh

These photos are from May (credit: and January (credit:
