Partner of Fired Aurora, Colorado Police Chief Turns Herself In On Charges of Filing False Sexual Ab

Publish date: 2024-04-18

The partner of Vanessa Wilson, the former Aurora, Colorado police chief, turned herself over to the police after she was charged with filing a fabricated child sex abuse report against an Aurora City Council member. Robin Niceta, Wilson’s partner, is facing a felony charge of retaliation against an elected official and a misdemeanor charge connected to her job as a social services worker. According to the probable cause affidavit filed for Niceta’s arrest, she anonymously called Arapahoe County social services—where she worked as a social worker—on Jan. 28 “to falsely report that Aurora Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky was sexually abusing Jurinsky’s two-year-old son,” according to The Gazette. The call prompted a two-week child-protective services investigation into Jurinsky. After finding that the claims were false, investigators traced the anonymous tip to Niceta’s phone. Jurinsky believes that Niceta’s actions were prompted by a radio appearance in which Jurinsky called Wilson “trash.” In an interview, Jurinsky described the investigation as “devastating for me and my family” and said that she is planning to sue the county for putting her through it.

Read it at The Gazette
