Patrick Landers obituary and Patrick Landers Jr

Publish date: 2024-04-28

Patrick Landers Obituary: A Heartbreaking Tragedy Exposing System Failures

In a devastating turn of events, the Landers family experienced an unimaginable tragedy that shook their lives to the core. This article delves into the heart-wrenching story of Patrick Landers Jr., affectionately known as Pj, whose promising future was abruptly cut short. It sheds light on the events leading up to his untimely demise and highlights the failures within the justice system that contributed to this devastating loss. This heartrending account serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for change in protecting victims of domestic violence and preventing such horrific outcomes.

Introduction: Remembering Pj

Patrick Landers Jr., lovingly called Pj, was a vibrant young boy of just 12 years old. He possessed an immense passion for basketball, football, video games, and weightlifting. Pj's life was filled with joy and aspirations until July 12th, 2023, when a heart-wrenching incident robbed him of his future and shattered the Landers family's world.

A Troubled Past: Domestic Violence and a Restraining Order

Prior to the tragic events, the Landers family had been caught in a cycle of domestic violence. Recognizing the urgency to protect her children and herself, Pj's sibling had obtained a restraining order against their soon-to-be ex-husband. This legal measure was intended to safeguard the family from further harm.

A Disturbing Court Hearing

A court hearing regarding the restraining order took place on July 11th, 2023, one day before the tragedy unfolded. Despite the restraining order being upheld, concerning remarks were made by the opposing party's lawyer. Expressing concern for his client's mental health, the lawyer indicated that the individual in question, Rickoshay, had repeatedly expressed suicidal ideations.

Alarming Warnings Ignored

The gravity of the situation became apparent when Rickoshay vociferously declared his intention to end his life within the courtroom itself. By uttering these alarming statements, he exhibited clear signs of distress, warranting immediate intervention and mental health evaluation. Unfortunately, his threats were disregarded, and he was allowed to leave the courthouse freely.

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A Nightmare Unfolds: The Tragic Day

On July 12th, 2023, the Landers family's worst fears became a horrifying reality. Rickoshay, in violation of the restraining order, began incessantly calling Pj's sibling. Desperate and terrified, multiple calls were made to the police, pleading for assistance. Tragically, these pleas were met with indifference, dismissed as insignificant, and even condemned as a waste of resources.

Pj's sibling, while at work, entrusted the responsibility of picking up Pj from daycare to their sister, Brook. Due to Rickoshay's alarming behavior in the past, it was decided that Pj would be safer at home. However, Rickoshay brazenly rammed through the gate and garage, forcibly entering the Landers family's residence. Unleashing a reign of terror, he sought out victims with the intention to kill.

A System That Failed: The Aftermath

Rickoshay's rampage resulted in the tragic loss of Pj's life, as well as the lives of the family's beloved dogs. Despite numerous concerned individuals reaching out to the authorities, warning them of Rickoshay's intentions, no action was taken to protect the Landers family. The police failed to respond adequately, ultimately compounding the devastating consequences of their inaction.

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Demanding Justice: The Landers Family's Plea

In the wake of this horrific incident, the Landers family is determined not to let Pj's death be reduced to a mere statistic of domestic violence. They insist on exposing the flaws within the justice system and demanding accountability for their unimaginable loss. The system's failure to provide appropriate protection and heed the warning signs ultimately played a pivotal role in this heartbreaking tragedy.


The untimely death of Patrick Landers Jr., known affectionately as Pj, is a haunting testament to the urgent need for reform within the justice system. It highlights the devastating consequences that can arise from ignoring warning signs and failing to provide adequate protection for victims of domestic violence. Pj's family, in their pursuit of justice, aims to prevent such tragedies from befalling other families in the future.

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