Play PlusWord, the new free daily crossword with an added logic puzzle twist

Publish date: 2024-04-18
Play PlusWord, the new free daily crossword with an added logic puzzle twist ` ); const appNavWrapper = document.querySelector('.app-header-sticky') let supportOffset = window.pageYOffset !== undefined; let lastKnownPos = 0; let ticking = false; let scrollDir; function callback(scrollPos, scrollDir) { if (scrollDir === 'up') { appNavWrapper.classList.remove('app-header-sticky--hidden'); } if (scrollDir === 'down') { appNavWrapper.classList.add('app-header-sticky--hidden'); } } if (appNavWrapper) { window.addEventListener('wheel', e => { currYPos = supportOffset ? window.pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop; scrollDir = lastKnownPos > currYPos || currYPos === 0 ? 'up' : 'down'; lastKnownPos = currYPos; if (!ticking) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { callback(lastKnownPos, scrollDir); ticking = false; }); } ticking = true; }); } // end isApp } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { let counter = 0; const intervalId = setInterval(() => { const corporateItem = document.querySelector('.footer-list-corporate__item'); if (corporateItem) { corporateItem.parentElement.removeChild(corporateItem); clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop checking when the element is removed } counter++; if (counter >= 15) { clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop checking after 15 seconds } }, 1000); const timeout = () => { setTimeout(function() { const pluswordiframe = document.querySelector('iframe#d1a660d6-dc38-4ee6-bdb4-7217e69e81d9'); if (pluswordiframe) { const thisSrc = pluswordiframe.getAttribute('src'); pluswordiframe.removeAttribute('src'); pluswordiframe.setAttribute('allow', 'clipboard-read; clipboard-write'); pluswordiframe.setAttribute('src', thisSrc); = 1; } else { timeout(); } }, 1000) }; timeout(); })
