Poor Jennifer! This Woman Went to the Bathroom While on a Zoom Call

Publish date: 2024-05-06

While work and school have moved to Zoom, there are bound to be some fails, like poor Jennifer, who took her Zoom meeting to the bathroom.

Sara Belcher - Author

With the outbreak of the new coronavirus forcing everyone to take their classes and work from home, the video conferencing service Zoom has become a regular part of everyone's day.

But while everyone seems to be learning all of the fun features Zoom has to offer at the same time, like how to change their background, there are also bound to be some hiccups along the way.

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Jennifer forgot to turn off her camera while taking a bathroom break.

In what's clearly a serious work meeting, one of the members of the call is talking through, ironically, some ethical guidelines, while another member, Jennifer, takes her computer on the move.

Just as the woman on the call leading the meeting says "very high standards," Jennifer can be seen pulling her pants down to use the toilet.

Unfortunately, no one on the call warned her that her camera was still on before she got to the bathroom, and by the time she realized what had happened, it was too late.

The woman leading the call clearly had no idea what had happened, as she continues talking and once Jennifer realizes her mistake, she moves the camera and ultimately leaves the call.

"What happened?" the woman leading the meeting said, as others proclaim "Poor Jennifer!" and "I saw nothing!"

"Nothing, keep going," one member reassures her.

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Hold on...thats a private meeting. So someone willingly posted this on the internet..I hope Jennifer consented to this. If she did, she has lady balls of steel. Poor Jennifer indeed. pic.twitter.com/KV9CM5KUYW

— KingrockkidV1 (@KingrockkidV1) March 22, 2020

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Most are pointing out that the real bad guy is the person who released the video.

Clearly this is an embarrassing slip up for Jennifer, who no doubt will have to hear about it at every office party for the rest of her time with the company. But the only person who should be ashamed in this situation is whoever decided to record and release the video of the meeting.

"Sure it’s a funny mistake, but it’s honestly a shame that her co-worker/colleague released it," one Twitter user pointed out. "It’s a violation of trust. I wouldn’t want to work with people who would leak something like that to the public."

"I really hope this is a skit or that she put it online herself cuz the fact that this made it to the internet is f--ked up otherwise," another said.

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We're really hoping Jennifer had knowledge that the video was being released and is OK with it. If not, then it looks like someone in that meeting has an uncomfortable HR meeting coming in their future.

While we can't help but laugh at the unfortunate situation, others are speculating who in the meeting was the one to release the recording.

"So who recorded it and posted it? Your choices: Kyle, Zakkiyah, Morgan, Marlee, Abby, Ariana, Melinda, Keiti, Julie, Valerie," one user joked, taking a guess of his own. "Or was it poor Jennifer herself?! If I had to guess Abby was jealous Jennifer stole her thunder and this was her revenge."

Whatever the case, we feel bad for Jennifer. Hopefully, the internet will have something new to talk about besides her embarrassing moment in a week.
