Possible fixes, reasons, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-14

"Travis Shipton" is a notorious error in MW2 that prevents users from accessing the game. Although the error can occur for players on all platforms, it is more common among console players, i.e., PlayStation and Xbox, and is usually accompanied by a message that reads, "You must be signed in to PlayStation Network/Xbox Live to play online matches. [Reason: Travis - Shipton]."

The error usually presents itself due to network issues, where the game is unable to access the online services and thus fails to facilitate matchmaking. There is no single source that can be pointed out as the reason for this problem. The issue can lie on the user's end as well as the game/console's network servers.

That said, in this guide, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular fixes for the "Travis Shipton" error in MW2 that countless users have reported to have resolved the issue completely.

How to fix the Travis Shipton error in MW2

Guide to fixing the Travis Shipton error code in MW2 (Image via Activision)

The following are some of the possible fixes for the "Travis Shipton" error in MW2:

1) Check the online status of your platform

First things first, depending on the platform you are using, it is recommended that you check the status of its servers. MW2 is available on Windows PC (via Steam and Battle.net), Xbox, and PlayStation systems. If they are offline for some reason, you won't be able to connect to the game's servers.

However, it is worth noting here that if the servers of the platform you play MW2 on are indeed down, it is not an error on your end, and no fixes are needed.

2) Restart your router

This fix is applicable to all users, irrespective of the platform they are on. A simple router restart usually resets it and thus holds the potential to completely fix various internet-related problems. However, there's a proper way of doing so:

3) Flush DNS cache (PC)

Guide to clearing the DNS Cache in Windows 10 to fix the Travis Shipton error in MW2 (Image via Microsoft)

If you are on a Windows PC, then you are in luck. Clearing the DNS cache can do wonders sometimes. Follow the steps below to flush your DNS cache easily:

If the DNS flush process is successful, you will be presented with a message that reads, "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache."

Once the message appears, you can close down the Command Prompt window safely and proceed to launch the game.

4) Use VPN

This step isn't the most ideal but works great in diagnosing the problem. Use any VPN to check if you are able to connect to the game servers. If you are able to, then it is most likely an issue with your internet connection, and you should contact your Internet Service Provider immediately to resolve the problem.

Alternatively, you can also use your mobile phone as a hotspot for your system and try connecting to the game's servers via your mobile internet. Similar to that of VPN, if you are able to connect, it is most likely an issue with your ISP.

5) Do not log in as a Guest (PlayStation)

If you have logged into your PlayStation console as a Guest, chances are that you will come across this error code. Hence, it is advised to use your primary online account to play the game to avoid the "Travis Shipton" error from showing up in MW2.

These are some of the most common fixes for the Travis Shipton error in MW2. However, if the problem still persists, it is advised to contact Activision's support team for further assistance.

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