Prince Harry Lost Virginity to an Ass Spanking Older Woman

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Prince Harry has described being “spanked” when he lost his virginity “to an older lady” in a field behind a “busy pub” in what he called “a humiliating episode.”

Despite the humiliation, the prince opted to describe it all over again in graphic detail in his new book, Spare, which has been accidentally released five days early in Spain.

According to a translation posted on the Sky News website, Harry described his partner as “an older lady, who loved horses very much and treated me like a young stallion.”

In florid prose more usually associated with the queen of the British bonkbuster, Jilly Cooper, than the fifth in line to the throne, Harry wrote: “I mounted her quickly, after which she spanked my ass and held me back… one of my mistakes was letting it happen in a field, just behind a busy pub. No doubt someone had seen us.”

The British actress Elizabeth Hurley last month denied that she was the woman who had taken Harry’s virginity when rumors of a reference to a “beautiful older woman” began to circulate. When asked about the claims, Hurley told The London Times: “Not me. Not guilty! Absolutely not.”

As well as discussing his princely sex life in the book, Harry also admits to hard drug use, saying he took cocaine and that he lied to palace aides who quizzed him about it.

According to the translation of the book by Sky, Harry said: “I had been taking cocaine at that time. At someone’s house, during a hunting weekend, I was offered a line, and since then I had consumed some more.”

“It wasn’t very fun, and it didn’t make me feel especially happy as seemed to happen to others, but it did make me feel different, and that was my main objective. To feel. To be different,” he wrote.

“I was a seventeen-year-old willing to try almost anything that would alter the pre-established order. At least, that’s what I was trying to convince myself of.”

Harry also admits to smoking cannabis in the book.

The book also answers the question of how Harry was told about his mother’s death in a 1997 car accident.

According to the Sky translation, Harry writes that he was woken up by his father, who “sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on my knee.”

He then recalled Charles saying: “My dear son, mum has had a car accident. There have been complications. Mum has been seriously injured and has been taken to hospital, my dear son.”

Harry adds: “He would always call me ‘dear son,’ but he was repeating it a lot. He spoke quietly. It gave me the impression he was in shock.”

Harry said he has repeatedly driven through the tunnel in Paris where she died to try to comprehend what happened.

He says that he tried to contact Diana by visiting a woman who had “powers,” according to The Guardian, which obtained an English-language copy of the book.

The woman told him: “You’re living the life she couldn’t. You’re living the life she wanted for you.”

Harry writes that on being told his mother was “with him,” his neck “grew warm” and his eyes watered, The Guardian reported.

Harry said that before the visit to the psychic, Archie had smashed a Christmas tree ornament in the shape of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

This bizarre detail resurfaces wen Harry visits the psychic, who says: “Your mother says … something about a Christmas ornament? Of a mother? Or a grandmother? It fell? Broke?...Your mother says she had a bit of a giggle about that.”

In another intimate revelation, Harry claims that Meghan upset Kate Middleton shortly after she had given birth by telling her that she might have “baby brain” during a phone call before their 2018 wedding.

Harry alleges that Meghan apologized but William “pointed a finger” at her.

William then reportedly went on to say: “Well, it’s rude, Meghan. These things are not done here.”

Meghan is alleged to have responded: “If you don’t mind, keep your finger out of my face.”
