Starting date, rewards, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-14

Brawl Stars Mastery Madness is a recurring event after the February 2023 update replaced Experience points with Mastery Points. Mastery Points, similar to experience, can only be gained after winning battles in the game. However, unlike it, these points cannot be lost for losing battles. This new event brings a fantastic chance for the players to earn more of them within this event period.

The game has recently announced the return of the Brawl Stars Mastery event with a tweet from their official Twitter page. This article dives deep to help you find everything you need to know about it.

Brawl Stars Mastery Madness event starting date

This game's Mastery Madness event presents a fantastic chance for their players to earn more Mastery points within the period. This event went live on August 25, 2023.

Brawl Stars Mastery Madness event rewards

The Brawl Stars Mastery Madness event goes live once a month or on some special occasions. Every player can get 50% of those Mastery Points during this event as a reward.

The game gives these points to players for winning Trophy Events, Power Leagues, or Club Leagues. Per the point distribution setup, players can get up to five Mastery Points for 0-49 trophies, seven for 50-99 trophies, 10 for 100-149 trophies, and so on. Besides, Bronze I ranked players will get five points for each win, Bronze II ranked players will get six points, Bronze III will get eight points, Silver I ranked players will get 10 points, and so on.

So, as things stand, you can earn 50% more points with each win within this Mastery Madness event period. So, for example, if you have 100–149 trophies (10 points) and are in Bronze III rank (eight points), you would have gotten 18 Mastery Points for each win. However, you will get 27 Mastery Points within this event period with the same number of trophies (15 points now) and the same rank (12 points now).

However, it is also worth noting that you cannot get these points in Map Maker matches, Challenges, or Friendly Battles. Also, you can only collect a maximum of 6,000 Mastery Points daily.

Brawl Stars is a famous multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) third-person hero shooter title developed by Supercell with plenty of amazing characters available in the game. Each of these heroes has their unique basic attacks and super attacks to finish off the enemies. Check out the tier list to find the best heroes in this new meta.

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