What Is Jeff Bezos Favorite Color?

Publish date: 2024-04-17

The CEO of Amazon has a company named Blue Origin, but uses so many different colors in his product branding. What is Jeff Bezos’ actual favorite color?

It’s thought that Jeff Bezos’ favorite color is red. Bezos doesn’t use the color red in any of his companies logos or advertising. However, he does have a pair of red and tan cowboy boots that he considers lucky. He has been wearing the pair of cowboy boots for space launches for his company Blue Origin since day one.

You can read more below about the psychology behind liking the color red and Bezos’ infamous cowboy boots.

The Psychology of Red

There is a lot of pop psychology behind the correlation between a person’s favorite color and their personality. Therefore, it makes sense that we can determine some things about Jeff Bezos’ personality through his favorite color red

First and foremost, the color red is known to be an appetite stimulant, which is why it is the color most often used in decorating restaurants. Maybe you haven’t noticed that before, but now that we’ve pointed it out you will notice how much the color is used. Red is also the color of sexual attraction!

A 2013 Psychology Today article talks all about how new studies are showing that the color red is a fundamental source of attraction in both sexes. The article says “Cumulatively, the research shows that the effect of the color red is significant, unique, and that it operates at a subconscious level. Red is experienced as an attraction booster by both sexes, although the mechanisms that mediate the effect of red on attractiveness ratings appear to differ for men and women.” 

When it comes to personality, if the bold bright color is your favorite it says that you are indeed a bold person. Not only has the color red been historically associated with sexual desire, it has also been associated with anger. Like when an angry person is described as “seeing red.” 

Of course, if red is your favorite color it doesn’t mean that you are an angry person. As this article puts it “if your favorite color is red, you are someone who is driven, adventurous, and active.” Are these all qualities that can be seen in the Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos?

Jeff Bezos and His Red Personality

Is Jeff Bezos someone who is driven, adventurous, and active? You bet! He founded Amazon when he was only thirty years old. This was after he had already been the Vice President of not one, but two different companies on Wall Street. If this doesn’t show drive, then nothing does. 

He has really shown that adventurous side through his desire to eat any kind of food out there. An example of this would be when he attended the 2018 Explorer’s Club Dinner in New York City. There he tried eating green iguana, an invasive species of iguana in Florida. 

Finally, Bezos showed off his true drive for living an active lifestyle when, as this Daily Mail article put it, he went from Geek to Chic. Bezos completely shaved his head and started to hit up the gym. He also completely changed his wardrobe to start wearing more stylish fitted clothing over his previously baggy attire.

Bezos’ Lucky Cowboy Boots

Generally, you wouldn’t think that a tech CEO would be superstitious, but Jeff Bezos has a bit of superstition when it comes to his space company, Blue Origin. Bezos has been wearing a pair of red and tan cowboy boots that he has deemed lucky for each launch the company has done.
In this 2018 post to Instagram, Jeff Bezos even said “The lucky boots worked again. Huge kudos and thanks to the entire @BlueOrigin team. #GradatimFerociter.” The hashtag in the post is a latin phrase that is also written on the boots. “Gradatim Ferociter” means “Step by step, ferociously.”
