William Levys pickup move: showing women sex videos of himself with other women

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Remember when football great Brett Favre was busted sending dick pics to a young female employee of his then-team NY Jets? We also had the pleasure of seeing former NY Congressman Anthony Weiner’s, uh weiner for lack of a better word, and learned that he regularly sent explicit photos to women online. David Boreanaz also sent dick pics to a young extra on the set of Bones, eventually paying her an undisclosed settlement for sexual harassment. Well it looks like the old, clunky method of sending an unsolicited still photo of your woodie to a woman you presume will be impressed has been replaced by one that’s even more awkward and invasive. William Levy, that guy who somehow earned the cover of People after a strong showing on “Dancing with the Stars,” is said to have shown a woman he just met sex videos of himself on his cell phone. Really! I believe this, because how could anyone make this sh*t up? Who would ever think this is at all a good idea, even if they were completely blitzed out of their mind? It’s so out there that it’s hard to believe this is a fake story. This news came out last week, apparently, although our friends at Celebslam just picked it up and it’s news to me. Here’s more:

To millions of women who tune in weekly to watch Dancing With the Stars, William Levy is the total package. But when he recently hooked up with LA-based aspiring actress Grace Roubidoux after meeting her at Kate Mantilini in Beverly Hills — where she works as a hostess — he made a request that would shock even his most ardent fans.

“We were talking and he started showing me videos of him having sex with other women on his phone,” Grace, who often goes by the stage name Carolyn Hayver, exclusively reveals to In Touch. “He asked me if I was interested in doing the same. He tried to get me to do a sex tape.”

According to Grace, when William, 31, couldn’t convince the 25-year-old to play along with his kinky plan, the playboy laughed it off — and wound up seducing her, in spite of the request. It was magical, shares Grace, who remembers the Cuban-born star as a “sensitive” and “affectionate” lover. “He’s the epitome of a Casanova.”

Elizabeth Gutierrez, William’s long-suffering girlfriend and mother of his two kids — son Christopher, 6, and daughter Kailey, 2 — might say that’s also his fatal flaw. “I’ve always stood beside William, despite persistent rumors,” Elizabeth, 33, once confessed.

For more on William’s sex tape scandal, pick up this week’s issue of In Touch.

[From In Touch Weekly]

William is in a longterm relationship, as this article mentions, although we heard rumors last year that he was separated. He also was sued in 2010 for sexual abuse of a minor, a 17 year-old girl. (This People article in Spanish has the details) According to Wikipedia he countersued for extortion and defamation. So the more I learn about him the more he sounds like a total skeeve.

Obviously, though, the cell phone sex tape pickup move worked for this guy. Maybe this woman was into it and was egging him on. Or maybe he’s just so pretty and famous, and this lady was so keen to sleep with him and sell her story, that she overlooked it.

William Levy is shown on 4-7, 4-11 (at the Grove with his dance partner, Cheryl Burke) and on 4-14-12. Credit: Josephine Santos, PacificCoastNews.com
